welcome to
Calvary Chapel

Join us for Worship, Teaching of God’s Word, and Fellowship

Helping you to crossover into God’s plan for your life through the teaching of His Word
Calvary Chapel Crossover has been formed in the city of Tustin, as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our ministry style is that of Calvary Chapel, Pastor Chuck Smith. In our services, we focus on a personal relationship with God through worship, prayer, and the teaching of the Word of God

Senior Pastor
Erik Tribble

Assistant Pastor
Clif Uyematsu

Children's Ministry
Calvary Kids learn about the Bible and Jesus’ love through Bible study, Prayer, and Worship. Crossover Kids also enjoy learning through crafts and participating in dramatized Bible stories. Our vision is to raise kids up to know the Lord and really follow Him. We are confident that our children are growing in the Lord, and being taught to know God well.

Jr High & High School
Our vision is to make disciples through the teaching of God’s Word. We believe our young people can handle more of the Word than they are getting in many churches today. At Crossover, Jr. High and High School age students are a part of our regular congregation. We find that the young people fit in great in our services, and they are happy to be there.
Charles Spurgeon was a very young man when he first began to be used by the Lord. We believe that young people can learn their Bible, get a handle on Theology, understand End Times, and be used of God in their world. Our youth are eager to seek God and they are able to find Him in the main services.

Women's Ministry
The Women’s Bible Study meets monthly, on Saturday Mornings at 10:30 am for worship, bible study, and fellowship. This spring we are studying through the book of James! For location details please email us.
Men's Ministry
At Calvary Chapel Crossover, the men gather at various times for encouragement and fellowship. If you are interested in joining, please email us.

Contact Info
Sunday Location
Ladera Elementary School-Tustin
2515 Rawlings Way
Tustin, CA 92782
Midweek Location
Tustin Meadows Clubhouse
14702 Devonshire Ave
Tustin, CA 92780
Mailing Address
Calvary Chapel Crossover
P.O. Box #4
Tustin, CA 92781